Freitag, 28. August 2015

10 essencial things for your bag

                          essencial things for your bag when you´re in the city

no more beach bags with towels and sunscreen in it, and no more chilling at the beach, cause you are back in the city...

-10 things you should carry with you, and why-

 1. your phone -you always have to check your social medias
2. a power bank- you have to charge your phone, because what do you do if your phone dies? You will probably die as well
3. deodorant- because you don´t want to smell bad
4. Your most important beauty products(Mascara, Concealer, lipstick, powder, face moisturizer)- because you never know when you have to refresh your make-up
5. chewing gum- after your coffee 
6. a hair tie- for bad hair days
7. a tangle teezer- for getting al those knots out 
8. your headphones- you want to listen to your summer playlists, because you need that summer feeling
9. sunnglasses- it´s still sunny
10. thermal water(the best one is from la roche-posay)- it´s still hot, but you can´t go swimming in the sea, so you need something else to refresh your face

SOooooo I hope this helped you out,
see you soon

Xx nikki

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